Protypo’s Early Learning Area (ELA / ΕΛΑ) consists of 3 and 4-year-old immersion classes with children learning the Greek language using new technologies, music and movement. Informed by the Victorian Early Years Development Framework (VEYDF), Reggio Emilia inquiry based learning and Accelerated Integrative Methods (AIM), our ELA programs are rich in drama and performance. We document oral language in preparation for formal bi-literacy in Year 1. Protypo’s Greek readers extend and consolidate the vocabulary of early learning. Children’s first steps in Greek literacy due to ELA practices are met with high success.

Protypo runs highly successful pre-school programs with a current enrolment of over 30 pre-schoolers. Protypaki Pre-Schoolers engage for approximately 3 hours in learning Greek language, music and dance every Saturday. The energy and excitement of immersion activities in these programs is contagious!

Our ELA programs run throughout the school terms on Saturdays at the following times:

  Day Times
3 Year Old Kinder Saturday 9.00am – 12.00pm
4 Year Old Kinder Saturday 9.00am – 12.00pm