Prep/Foundation to Year 6

Greek has never been this much fun! Our Protypakia experience innovative and engaging reading, speaking and writing activities. We have no composite classes. Themes and topics centre on dramatisation of Greek myths and legends. Protypakia use technology to develop scripts for Protypo’s radio station, write simple blogs, create digital puppet shows, materials and video clips. Protypakia have many opportunities to sing and perform to parents both modern and traditional songs whilst Greek dancing classes operating for every class have linked cultural info-sessions.

Programs in these years are informed by brain-based teaching. Neuroscience studies tell us that the brain is a remarkably plastic entity. Being bilingual gives our children an advantage at school. Managing two languages helps the brain sharpen and retain its ability to focus while ignoring irrelevant information. Our curriculum in the primary years develops the interface for a hybrid Greek-Australian identity. Topics build strong Greek communication skills.

Our Foundation to Year 6 classes run on Saturdays throughout the school terms from 9.00am – 12.00pm. Please note that Protypo does not offer weekday evening classes for students in these year levels.